Email your MP today!

The Government has introduced a new Employment Rights Bill and we need your help to ensure it includes measures to support those with endometriosis.  

With one in six workers with endometriosis having to leave the workforce due to their condition, it’s vital that the Government steps in to help those with the disease thrive at work. Endometriosis costs the UK economy £8.2bn per year from loss of work and healthcare costs. This is an issue the Government and employers cannot afford to ignore.

We want to see:

  • Menopause action plans extended to cover all those impacted by menstrual health conditions like endometriosis.
  • Legistlation to ensure workers with menstrual health conditions are treated fairly if they need short but intermittent time off work, as a result of their condition.

Write to your MP today and urge them to support our recommendations to change the Employment Rights Bill so it supports those with menstrual health conditions at work.

Your data will be used by Endometriosis UK to keep track of the emails that have been sent to elected representatives through this campaign.